NYPD Makes Detailed Crime Statistics Available to the Public Online

Do you ever wonder just how many robberies or assaults happen on the streets where you live? That information is now being available to the general public by the police department.  NY1 Criminal Justice reporter Dean Meminger show us how to get the statistics
With a tap of your phone or a click of a mouse you can now find out exactly what crimes are occurring in your neighborhood even the date and time they happened — with the NYPD's new CompStat 2.0 website.
"To give the public the data and the tools that they need to view, map and analysis NYPD Crime numbers," said Jessica Tisch, with the department's Information Technology division.
The site allows searches of all major crime categories.
For instance, it shows 36 murders so far this year — down from 52 at this time last year — a 31% decline.
Click the number of murders, and each one appears on a map. This homicide occurred February 5 in the shadow of Yankee Stadium in the Bronx.
"We want people to see what's going on in their neighborhoods," said Mayor Bill de Blasio. "We want them to see the efforts of police to address problems. We want that transparency."
The site also shows 176 reported rapes so far this year, up 5.4%.
Navigate the site and you learn more rapes occur on Fridays than other days.
Surprisingly, around 2 p.m.
The site discloses the location of each crime to the nearest intersection — even for rape. Previously, the NYPD only identified precincts where rapes were reported. Officials say the change shares data while still protecting privacy.
"To give the public a better sense than they have had in the past of where these crimes are occurring," said Tisch.
"There's nothing to hide here," Bratton said. "It is what it is. Crime goes up, it goes down. But it will go down a lot faster if everybody is aware  of it and everybody is sharing information about what is happening."
Bratton launched the first CompStat 21 years ago. He bristled when asked if such a focus on numbers leads to quotas.
"Bulls--t, Bulls--t is my response to that. If any of my cops out there still think we are pushing for the summonses, I'm sorry. We are pushing to reduce crime."
You can find CompStat 2.0 at the department's web site and clicking on the crime statistics panel. (http://www.ny1.com/)


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